Hair Journey

A Natural Throwback

Hey Curly Naturals,

Lets take a walk together near the ocean shore, hand in hand you and I.

– Cherish Kool& the gang (Canva)

Over the past few years the Natural hair community has boomed not only in the movement but also by how much products we now have on offer to us. It might be hard to believe (especially if you are fairly new on your journey) but there was a time where options were far and few between and you just had to make do with whatever was on the shelf. I remember I always envied and so wished that I would one day be able to hold a Shea Moisture Curl enhancing Smoothie in my hand (I have and sadly I haven’t found a way where it is compatible with my hair). I decided to take a trip down memory lane to see how far we have come along in the South African Natural hair movement.

(also sorry in advance for the hazy pics this was almost 6 years ago and I was using a Black Berry)



Tresemme Naturals

This was the staple and existence of my natural hair journey, I used it as a normal rinse out conditioner, a leave in conditioner and a co-wash. I was very gutted when I found out that the range was being discontinued, I know I am not alone though based on the reaction that I got from one of my Instagram posts. Needless to say Tresemme Botaniques does not come close to this range.

Dr Miracles Curl Care





















This range was one of the first complete ranges that I could find in South Africa. The range was uncomplicated, reasonably priced for the quality it offered (compared to the prices of the products that we have available in SA today). My 2 favorite products are the Weightless Moisturizing Cream and the Curl Cream, the Curl cream gave my hair a soft definition, made my hair feel soft and moisturized. The Weightless moisturizing cream was a gem who’s true potential I only started discovering when my hair was longer and sadly just before the range got discontinued, this cream is a Low Porosity Naturals’ dream, it gives the right amount of moisture without weighing hair down and it was a dream to use when I do the LOC method. I still have a treasured stash and only use it occasionally use it as a treat. 

Twisted Sista







You are probably wondering why this range is featured since its still alive and kicking on the shelves. So here is the store.. Twisted Sista arrived on the scene I found this revolutionary since I did not think that there would be Natural hair ranges available in SA (this was about 2014-2015 Clicks was already gearing itself towards the Natural hair industry back then already) my thank you email reached a buyer or representative of Twisted Sista and I was able to get the full range. Since then the range has redone its packaging and added more products to its line.

Easy Waves

Easy Waves banded pack; Curl activator and Oil Sheen Conditioner *image courtesy:












I am LoLing hard on this one. I thought that I had a find on my hands when I discovered the Easy Waves banded pack, the catch was that I did not know how to use it… and to this day I still don’t (If you do know how to use it please comment below). The banded pack is a duo of 2 products that consists of a Curl activating spray, both products heavily feature Glycerin and whenever I used it I felt like an Olie ball. Easy Waves have since been extended its range to gels, stylers and waxes. 

ORS Curl Pudding










So before ORS decided that they were going to be all fancy, re-brand themselves and add products suited for Natural hair there was this little gem I found. (their products have always been go though even before ORS Curls Unleashed)
Both my mother and I used it at the beginning of our journey’s and it was our stylers before all the other brands saturated the Market. The Curls Pudding came in 2 variants, one was in a green tub for adults that was green in color and had a lighter consistency than the kiddie version and had a thicker consistency that I loved. The consistency for both were very much like the puddings, creams and butters we use today(gosh it makes it sound like this was 15 years ago) 

Do you have any favourite products that have been discontinued or slightly changed? 



*Feature image by Zack Minor on Unsplash
Curly Education 101

Double Duty Products

Hey Curly Naturals,

As Naturals, expensive products are synonymous with our journey. That is why I like double duty products, I remember before Tresemme Naturals got discontinued, my hair regime(n) practically revolved around the beloved conditioner. I used it as a rinse out conditioner, a leave in and when I was lazy a co-wash, but I digress..

So you might ask what is a double duty product? Double duty products are products that serve 2 or more functions/ duties in one product. I have found that not only do they save time and money but with Cape Town’s water shortage they also save water.


Design Essential Leave in Detangling Conditioner

Design Essentials Leave in Detangling Conditioner











So not only does this conditioner make de tangling easier you also don’t have to rinse it out afterwards (see I told you they save water 🙂 )

My experience was not “out of this world, oh my word I need to buy it now”, it did have a decent amount of slip but it wasn’t as moisturizing. I am not going to rule it out completely because it was only a sample sachet that I used so until I find the coins (damn this range is expensive!!!) to actually buy a full ass bottle I’ll reserve my final verdict for that day.

Afrobotanics Deep penetrating moisturising conditioner.

Afrobotanics Deep penetrating moisturizing conditioner












While I don’t really regard this as a true double duty product, by my definition it can serve 2 functions so why not? This conditioner can be used as both a normal rinse out conditioner or as a deep conditioner (my main use). I fell inlove with this product just based on the ingredients, its one of those good quality reasonably priced products. Because I do see this product as an investment I rarely use as a rinse out conditioner but if you wanted to the option is there for you to.

Click on the FB post to get to the review I done on Magical Messy Me’s blog.


Twisted Sista Leave in/ Deep conditioner

This little gem I discovered in a prize I won at the MHS 2018, I was very excited to find and use it. From the research that I have done this product is only available in sachet form and gives you about 2 uses my hair is a few millimetres past bra strap length in and it covered my hair adequately. Unlike other Double duty products this one cannot be used as a 2 in 1, it does require you to rinse it out  this I only found out afterwards….

You can either use it as a deep conditioner and then rinse it out or use as a leave in conditioner.(much like the Afrobotanics conditioner ⬆️)

Aunt Jackie’s Girls Super Duper Softening Conditioner Soft & Sassy

Girls Super Duper Softening Conditioner Soft & Sassy via Clicks










This product I found very early on in my journey. Unlike the other products that I have mentioned in the blog mostly have 2 functions but this one… this one.. baybay!! This one has 3 functions I’m not pulling this out of thin air, it clearly states on the jar that you can use it as a co-wash, leave in and deep conditioner. So yes this is a complete money and time saver heck you can do your whole wash day using this product. My personal experience when I used this product wasn’t that great I remember that using it as a deep conditioner was lightweight it didn’t pack a punch in the moisture replenishment department and was pretty much  Meh.. Although I might just buy it again because of this blog post.

Cantu Leave-in Conditioning repair cream 


Cantu Leave in Conditoning repair cream image via











I saved the best for last.
When Cantu launched in South Africa this was one of the first products I tried in their range and also one that I saw was featured quiet a bit (good job on their marketing)
This all rounder has become a staple in hair regime(n) and my stash, I accumulate my Clicks Club points to make it easier on my pocket. I use it as a deep conditioner, once my DC session is done I continue with my LOC method, without rinsing out

You can use this product a s styler, a deep conditioner and a leave in. This product is what got me through the dreaded Cape Town drought.


I have always been a fan of double duty products because they are economical, time saving and in some cases use less water.

Have you ever heard of Double duty products, do you use them and what are your takes?